
Lupufree has given me another new lease of life.

When I least expected, lupus just knocked me flat. Not until I was diagnosed with lupus, weird things suddenly happened, and my life seemed to go all to pieces. I did not know what was eating me inside-out. To begin with, my entire life had been an active one, but as if driving into a wall at full speed, fatigue suddenly pinned me down. I used to go for a walk in the morning, but one day I just felt like not waking up at all. I thought it might have been going to bed late the previous night, but fatigue wasn’t the only thing. Even worse, as I tried to wake up, my joints were aching. The first thing that came to my mind was to grab the telephone and call the doctor, but when I realized that I could not open my hands, I started to panic. It took me a couple of minutes to have the folded claw-like fingers to straighten up. Previously, I had noticed that my eyes were getting dry and my lips could at times stick up at night, but I had overruled any possibility of a serious disease, ...

How Lupufree Has Helped Me Overcome Lupus

When I joined college ten years ago, life used to be fun until one day I realized that I wasn’t feeling okay. One evening after classes, I felt extremely fatigued and decided to retire early to bed, hoping that I would feel better when I wake up. Although I hadn’t done much that day, I suspected that the extreme tiredness was as a result of participating in a walk three days before experiencing the weird feeling. I had a terrible night that day and the fatigue was persistent, prompting me to seek medical attention from a local health center the following morning. The health facility wasn’t well equipped so I didn’t undergo any health tests. However, I was given some antibiotics which I took for almost a week. I felt better in the first few days of the medication course but the fatigue recurred and got more serious despite adhering fully to the drug’s instructions. Although initially I struggled to attend classes while still fatigued, I later developed stiff, swollen join...