How Lupufree Has Helped Me Overcome Lupus

When I joined college ten years ago, life used to be fun until one day I realized that I wasn’t feeling okay. One evening after classes, I felt extremely fatigued and decided to retire early to bed, hoping that I would feel better when I wake up. Although I hadn’t done much that day, I suspected that the extreme tiredness was as a result of participating in a walk three days before experiencing the weird feeling.

I had a terrible night that day and the fatigue was persistent, prompting me to seek medical attention from a local health center the following morning. The health facility wasn’t well equipped so I didn’t undergo any health tests. However, I was given some antibiotics which I took for almost a week. I felt better in the first few days of the medication course but the fatigue recurred and got more serious despite adhering fully to the drug’s instructions.

Although initially I struggled to attend classes while still fatigued, I later developed stiff, swollen joints which were so painful that I couldn’t perform even simple tasks like handwriting. My colleagues who at first thought that I was kidding them, claiming that they I was faking the sickness to avoid participating in athletics as some of my close friends did once, realized that mine was a serious case when they saw the swollen leg and arm joints.

With our school administration's assistance, I was taken to one of the best hospitals around where I underwent thorough screening. I started becoming anxious when the majority of tests turned out negative yet my pain was escalating. However, the medics kept on giving me hope that they would eventually discover the root of the symptoms. I can give the count of the times that I was taken to hospital and discharged with no successful treatment. 

One day while still lying on my hospital bed, my mother came accompanied with my doctor and their faces could tell that hell was about to break despite trying to put fake smiles. My mom was seated beside me, fiddling my left arm fingers while my doctor was standing adjacently to my bed giving some sort of counseling but all I wanted to hear about was the test results. Finally,  he broke the bad news- the test results indicated that I was suffering from lupus.
“Wait, did you say lupus? You mean I can die anytime from now?” I asked the doctor with warm tears running down my cheeks.  We had learnt about the disease in one of my classes two years ago, so I knew that it was a chronic illness with no cure. However, the doctor assured me that I would live to my normal life expectancy if accept my condition and lead a healthy lifestyle, including full adherence to the recommended medication.

One of the drugs that the physician prescribed me was Lupufree. I can’t thank enough the experts who came up with this drug because were it not for it, I maybe wouldn’t be here to tell this story; perhaps I would be in a grave somewhere or bedridden. Since the day I started taking Lupufree, my doctor tells me that the number of B cells in my immune system that activates lupus have tremendously reduced. Besides, he assures me that my body cells are safe from further damage by the disease as long as I keep on taking the drug as prescribed.

As I write this, the inflammation in my joints has significantly reduced. Pain and fatigue are now past experiences. The improved health condition has helped me complete my studies and I am looking forward to achieving the rest of my life goals just like the way I would have done if I didn’t have lupus. Many thanks to Lupufree for restoring my hope to see my children and grandchildren.


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